8 White Church Lane

1852 | Part of 8-10 White Church Lane

8 and 10 White Church Lane
Contributed by Survey of London on June 22, 2016

This pair was built in 1852 by Jabez Single of New Road as houses with shops that were first occupied by Mark Berry, a zinc and tinplate worker, and James Fullerton Barber, a printer. Painted brick with gauged-brick flat-arched window heads, No. 10 was part rebuilt in 1886, and retains the south console from a shopfront of 1894. It was much altered and extended to the rear for a bedding factory that was later a silk-screen and joiners’ workshops. 1

  1. District Surveyors Returns: Post Office Directories: Goad maps 

8 and 10 White Church Lane
Contributed by Derek Kendall

2-10 Whitechurch Lane from the southwest in 2019
Contributed by Derek Kendall

8-10 Whitechurch Lane in 2019
Contributed by Derek Kendall
